Friday, December 23, 2011


Turner, Log Cabin

Log Cabin Turner expired suddenly on Saturday, December 17, 2011, in the midst of turning a pancake on the griddle at the Randy Honcoop Family Home. Log Cabin Turner began somewhere in the east part of the country, but was transported by shrink wrap and Log Cabin syrup bottle to the Honcoop Home at the beginning of his career. A lowly freebie, he, through a delicate balance of strength and flexibility, enjoyed a meteoric rise to the top of the utensil hierarchy, far surpassing the abilities of many other more expensive and sophisticated pancake turners. He served the Honcoop Family well for over 10 years, and was a favorite – in fact – THE favorite. Never was a turner found to duplicate his skills, even when it was observed that he was suffering from small cracks in the backbone. He continued to valiantly serve in this state, until complete backbone failure occurred.

A committal service was held in the garage as Turner was laid to rest in a big blue bin, then wheeled curbside.

He will be sorely missed.

In lieu of cards and flowers, please petition Log Cabin Syrup for more free pancake turners. The world needs more turners like Log Cabin Turner.