Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I think the general populace would do well to remember that Ms. Streep comes from The Land of Perpetual High School, where your fate is directly linked to your popularity, and your ability to act like someone you are not.

Why should we care what she says? The world she lives in is nowhere close to what reality is for the majority of Americans.

I would rather hear from the winners of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Truck Driving, Auto Mechanic, Grocery Store Manager, or any other number of leaders who have spent a lifetime working with real people who face real problems.

Besides, if your fate is linked to your popularity you are compelled to say what is popular in The Land of Perpetual High School. Pretty much anything an actor says is suspect, though if they are bucking the trends, I might give a listen and see what would motivate them to abandon the security of Popular Opinion in their Land.

But mostly, I don’t spend much time worrying about what People Who Are Good At Acting Like Someone They Are Not have to say.

I suggest you do the same.