Thursday, December 31, 2009

People! It is NOT a new decade!!!!

I've talked about this before, on my other blog ( but had almost given up my campaign to get people to understand the Gregorian Calendar. Until today...Walter Williams started his guest-hosting of Rush Limbaugh's program by taking up the cause...Tomorrow is NOT the beginning of the decade...IT IS THE LAST YEAR OF THIS DECADE...Thank you, Mr. Williams!!! Finally, someone with authority to speak on the subject is backing me up!!!

I reiterate my previous explanation:

"Gregory’s calendar started with the Year One – not a zero year as we do with people, but Year One. In contrast, when a baby is born, we do not say he is One because he is in his first year. We say he is 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc. Then, AFTER he has completed his first year, we say he is One. He becomes ONE at the beginning of his SECOND year. Since the Gregorian calendar began with the Year One, it started as Year One in January. At the end of that first year, it became Year Two. It became Year Two at the BEGINNING of Year Two – not the end. Are you with me here, folks? Are you picking up what I’m putting down? What I am saying is that we are living the Year 2009, we have not completed it and started Year 2010, as is commonly thought."

Tomorrow we will begin the year 2010, and 365 days from today, we will be ending the first decade of the second millenium...

Until then, don't talk to me about the top stories or events of the decade, 'cause we don't know all of the stories of this decade yet...GOT IT???!!!

At least I'm not sensitive about this...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas isn't what it used to be...

At the end of a good day of celebrating with my family, I’m pondering that Christmas isn’t the highlight of my year – like it used to be. Don’t get me wrong – today was a WONDERFUL day! We enjoyed the kids, the laughter, the gifts that were thoughtful in generous and joking ways. Last night we had The Turkey Dinner. My parents came to share it, and we laughed and joked as we rode through town looking for crazily lighted houses. Before this week, the shopping and the decorating, the music programs, even the baking heightened the anticipation...Fun in itself to prepare for these few days of celebration.

But tonight, I’m thinking that it’s not the big event it once was – and feeling the usual post-Christmas letdown...Wondering if there was more I should do to build to a greater climax for the Christmas celebration. In the midst of my pondering comes the realization that I’m looking forward to my regular life tomorrow...Puttering around the house, picking up the happy messes of paper and boxes, and used dishes – evidence of fun already had, then walking the dog in the chilly air, sipping coffee while I contemplate what chores I will attempt...I like the everydays too.

In fact, I think I’ve come to the place where Christmas is not THE highlight of the year because I’ve become so much more content with my much quicker to appreciate the good along the way: the peaceful everydays, the intermittent family gatherings anytime they come, the time to invest in friendships throughout the year...It’s really not that Christmas has diminished...It’s more that the moments as they happen have become more appreciated, more enjoyed, more precious...

I will still always love the glitz and fun of Christmas. It’s a special time where the whole world smiles together, and expresses their goodwill. But it’s not the only time, the only day...I’m glad to be in a place in my life where I am content with the CONtent of my relationships, my occupations, my blessings – and do much better at appreciating them any day.

Monday, December 21, 2009

So mad I could spit nails...

I am incensed and disbelieving at the 1am vote on Health Care "Reform" (that's using the term very loosely) in the Senate.

Arguments about the content of the bill aside, why would you schedule a vote on such a contested bill at 1am on a Monday morning?  Only a couple of reasons that I can think of would cause you to pass it while the fewest Americans can see what you are doing...when the fewest people can react to it...Full implementation will not occur for years, but apparently it is urgent to pass it in the dead of night a few days before Christmas.

What? This is blatantly disrespectful of the American people! Do they really think we won't notice? Do they really think that we will see this action as plausible instead of highly suspicious, and downright disingenuous? I can't believe that they think we are this stupid -- and I am incensed that apparently they do!

I admit to having a very fatalistic attitude about our Congress most of the time. They're going to do what they're going to do, and we can't stop it...But this time, this time I am ANGRY, SO ANGRY that I will be letting them know, and letting everyone know that I am not about to forget this disrespect, nor will I let them forget it either!

I say, THROW THE RASCALS OUT!! And will do whatever I can to facilitate this...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Great, just great...

I ran across an article warning me of the dangers of burning scented candles and having scented plug-ins in your home. You know, these little wonders are filled with poisonous chemicals that ARE NOT NATURAL!! These synthetic smell-goods may be filling the air of your home with carcinogenic molecules that you will inhale --- most likely deeply because they smell so good! -- and later, when you are about 90, you may find that you have altered the genetic map of some of your cells, causing them to go crazy and over-proliferate.  No matter that at 90 your cells just might be a little messed up from living in a world of sin-wracked consequences exhaling, which is now apparently another cause for the entire world's demise.

This article suggests that you go back to the good old days, boiling a pot of water with natural potpourri to scent your home... Back in the good old days, they didn't worry about dying from synthetic scents -- mostly because there was so much smoke in the indoor air that they couldn't have smelled them anyway...You know, from burning those natural logs and stuff, trying to stave off hypothermia due to a lack of central heating.

My word! I would be embarrassed to list on an enumeration of Concerns for the World the risk of contracting disease from the use of scented candles. Come on! Let's find something REAL to worry about! I predict that you will not see Miss America take on a campaign of eliminating the health risks of scented candles..."I'm interested in World Peace and The Elimination of Scented Candle Burning..." Don't even bring it up!! Leave the candles alone, and let us spend ourselves solving REAL problems, even if it means taking some risks!

My, it smells good in here...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dear Retail World...

...please stop making my receipts so lengthy. I don't want to fill out your surveys. I don't need a coupon for the diapers I picked up for someone else. I don't need 2 feet of information when I purchase 2 items at your store.

My purse is bulging with useless information wrapped around a little bit that IS important to me...

Stop! Please stop! If I appeal to you on behalf of trees everywhere, might you consider it? I know, I know -- you have a captive audience for your advertising when I am trying to find the list of items I purchased amongst all the impertinent information. I have to read about my chance to win $10,000 if I take the time to fill out your survey. I now know that on Dec. 14, from 9:30-10:45 am I can get an extra $5 off clearance items priced between $20 & $25. Of course, I must save your receipt and bring it back to the store and buy another item...and get another 2 feet of great deals...

Here's the problem: I DON'T CARE. So just cut if off! You are annoying me!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I can't ignore...

...the tragic loss of 4 individuals who swore to serve and protect. What a sad, sad day for our state and our nation -- and most of all, the community of Lakewood. This tragedy comes on the heels of a similar incident in Seattle when Officer Brenton was killed.

The depth of disrespect carried by the individuals perpetrating these crimes is unfathomable. Obviously, they gave no thought to the individuals who died, and despised the institution they represent. As well, these evil men disrespected all of us who adhere to and respect a system of law and order. We rely on order, and the integrity and service of those sworn to uphold the law. These criminal actions were an effort to diminish the efficacy of the men and women who maintain order in our communities, at risk of their own lives.

How good to see the resolve and determination of the officers still on duty! They will not allow evil to overcome. They will seek justice -- through order -- and continue to serve, though the dangers of doing so grow greater. I am equally heartened to know that thousands in the surrounding communities have expressed their support and solidarity with all officers. In no uncertain terms, they have expressed by their actions that this should not happen again.

God bless our men & women in all uniforms!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Is it just me or...

...does anyone else notice that the only thing our President seems to focus on is campaigning? Granted, he is a great campaigner, but once elected most people tend to stop and, you know, govern. I've been noticing that his most recent foray to Japan and China, and points in between, seems to be more campaigning, more glad-handing or bowing, more wearing of some other country's ethnic garb, more speeches saying, "Really, we're just like you, except where we have acted like we might be better than you, and for that we are sorry..."

Ditto for domestic issues. When it is time to deal with the difficult decisions, the Campaigner-in-Chief goes out on the trail, whipping up sentiment and emotion, but deftly avoiding concrete answers to the questions. He spends alot of time promising change that will make us all feel better...and we're getting change, but people only seem to feel good it about when they are listening to him wax eloquent. The reality doesn't seem to support the rhetoric -- which, I contend, is par for most any campaign, and especially so for this extended version!

Unfortunately for Mr. Obama, most citizens expect the campaign to end, and the real work to begin. There are many, many of us out here who DO notice that what governing is happening is detrimental to our freedoms, and that this presidency seems to be a lot more about the man, than the country.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Carrie, Carrie, Carrie...(Prejean, that is)

So someone finally dug up a sex tape featuring the villified Carrie Prejean, speaker of negative opinions about gay marriage. She admits that she made this tape at the age of 17 (um...what???where were your parents, Carrie????) but has since changed her life, and has not and will not be involved in any such thing again.

She also is complaining loudly, not the first time, that it is not fair that she has been targeted for destruction, vilification, and treatment akin to mental torture.

I agree that it is not fair. I agree that I wouldn't want to be her right now...but it also seems to me to be a case where "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". Ms. Prejean and her supporters claim that when such videos are found starring Lindsay Lohan, or Paris Hilton, those women are not villified or harrassed, or made the top story on the news.

Perhaps this is because such activity caught on tape would not be out of character for the aforementioned celebs. It IS out of sync with the character Ms. Prejean has claimed -- and thus it is news. The fact that she is a conservative woman also makes it a given that she will be held to a different standard, and WILL be targeted, and followed, and harrassed. Sad, but true -- not fair, agreed -- ridiculous, understood.

It's not that I don't have sympathy for this woman. She simply stated her opinion in a cogent way, and a firestorm ensued. However, she decided to ride the firestorm and get out of it what she could.(I'm wondering if, for a while her motto might have been, "the only bad press is no press".) I think she would have been better off to explain her unfortunate actions -- "I was young and foolish, and have changed..." and acknowledged her current "popularity" -- "Because of my beliefs, I have been targeted. I'm not surprised they dug this up. I regret my actions of the past...That's not who I am now...end of story. I'm sure their scrutiny of my life is not over, but I'm not going to be imprisoned by it." Her loud protestations, and appearances on so many talk shows, only take away from her dignity. She's giving her pursuers more power by playing the victim.

So stop, Carrie! You're in the kitchen -- get out, or get some oven mitts!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I don't think so...

I noticed these plot summaries of the new movies in town this weekend:

"A married couple is presented with a small box containing a button that when pushed will grant them a million dollars and kill someone they don't know..."

"Set in 1967, a professor watches his life unravel when his wife prepares to leave him because his inept brother won't move out of the house..."

"A Nome, Alaska-based psychotherapist's videotaped sessions with her patients offer the most compelling evidence of alien abduction ever documented..."

"A sometimes serious, sometimes whimsical look at the people who bring chickens in their urban backyards..."

Don't these descriptions just make you want to RUSH right out and lay down your $15 to watch a movie??? As if watching the news isn't bad enough lately, the movies only offer the slimiest and most asinine of plot lines. I've spent the day working, and worrying about my country, and so FOR SURE I'll want to spend the evening watching people wrestle with whether killing "someone they don't know" is worth a million dollars (THIS is a moral dilemmna???). Or maybe I can relax while watching someone's life unravel...On the other hand, perhaps the stimulation of seeing people terrified out of their gourds would be a good way to get the old ticker going, and the brain a-stirring! Better yet, I could spend a couple of hours hearing why people raise chickens in town...

As I read the movie info, I was struck by how overwhelmingly pathetic the options are...I'd have to be desperate to choose one of these movies! Someone would have to pay ME to go see them!!I thought about checking into the kid movies as they are probably a better bet. I'd think about going to them for the mere entertainment value and the escapism of laughter...But the older I get, and the more I deal with indigestion, all those burp & fart jokes aren't so funny any more...

What has happened to movies whose goal was to make you feel good about life when you reached the end??...THAT'S what I'm looking for. I can find them in the archives, but it would be nice to find them in a theater once in a while...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hero of the Day...

Last night on the Seattle news, I saw that Nathan Hale High School had cancelled, indefinitely, school dances. Apparently the recent homecoming dance turned into something too much like the beginnings of an orgy, and the school principal, Dr. Jill Hudson, said enough is enough -- no more dances.

To her, I say, "GO, HONORABLE PRINCIPAL, GO!!" It's about time someone drew a line and enforced it. On camera, the principal declined to go into detail as to what the offensive actions were. In the school paper, she was more direct -- but to honor her sense of propriety (which I also appreciate) I will not quote. Suffice to say that a student was quoted as saying, "We were sexually harrassing each other, that's what she said." "What I'm determined in calling it is inappropriate behavior," said Hudson. "I cannot allow that at school functions."

Kudos to her for putting students' behavior and responsibility above their right to fun. You know, this doesn't happen often these days -- at least not nearly as often as it should. Dr. Hudson is the Hero of the Day for showing the students and parents that dances are not important, but behaving yourself most certainly is.

I don't doubt she's feeling the heat. "There are definitely some students that are upset," said a male student...And no doubt some parents have already purchased the duds for the winter dance, and the kids are worried about senior prom. I'm sure she's hearing from them. I only hope she's getting some back-up as well.

"I believe the solution can be put together between students and myself so we have a safe and respectful senior prom", Dr. Hudson said.

Kids -- you want a senior prom? It's pretty simple...BEHAVE YOURSELVES!

quotes from

Monday, October 19, 2009


WHITE HOUSE ADVISOR ALLEGES THAT FOX NEWS CHANNEL REPORTS THE NEWS TO MAKE A PROFIT!... a PROFIT, people!!! How nasty is that?! Even worse, it seems to be working! People by the millions are tuning in to Fox News, leaving other cable stations trolling for an audience. I naively assumed that CNN, MSNBC, and even the networks had profit as their goal as well...I thought it was merely due to their lack of success, that they became unprofitable. Silly me! Apparently, they were earlier having some difficulty moving down to non-profit status...Oddly enough, they can now thank Fox News for helping them achieve this higher plane of non-profitability as cable -watching Americans, of their own free will, abandon these former giants of media monopoly. Oh fickle Americans, can’t you see that being unsuccessful – I mean unprofitable – is the honorable way to do business, especially in the media? It shows that you owe no man – or does it mean that you owe every man? Either way, it’s the way to go. Evil Fox News...trying to make money...Feh! Before you know it, we’ll see "opinion journalism masquerading as news"! Can’t have that, now can we?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What a relief!

I am so glad to hear that the NFL is all about sensitivity. In denying Rush Limbaugh the opportunity to become an owner of the St. Louis Rams, various people involved in the league indicated that sensitivity is where it's at -- and in their opinion, Rush hasn't got it.

Indianapolis Colts owner, Jim Irsay, accused Rush of making "insensitive comments". DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Players Association said, "Our sport...overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred". NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said, "divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about".

They must be turning over a new leaf! I, for one, am interested to see this new era in the NFL...This must mean no more trash talking on the field, no more "your momma is so dumb she thinks a quarterback is a refund" between the offensive and defensive lines... No one should try to take out the other team's quarterback, or injure any player. No more holding -- after all it is against the rules, even if the ref doesn't see it. No more trying to strip the ball -- that's really insensitive! Let the guy make the run --he's trying hard! No more trying to recover fumbles -- the poor guy who dropped it feels bad enough. It's insensitive to capitalize on his mistake. I think we should see a lot more penalties declined, and I suggest that they change that terminology to "apology accepted, replay the down". The fans should cheer for both sides -- it's divisive for some to be enthusiastic for one team and not the other. In fact, I think they should stop keeping track of the score --- I mean, WINNING! How divisive is that! And the on-air commentary! It is almost completely devoted to pointing out errors made by the coaches and players -- SO insensitive.

When I think about the game, I can now see why the NFL sees the need for greater sensitivity. The whole sport is rife with a lack of feeling and empathy for others...Perhaps Rush is not quite the epitome of insensitivity when compared with some participants in the sport -- you know, the ex-convicts, dog killers, wife beaters, and rapists (I know, it's insensitive for me to bring this up) --but you have to start somewhere. You can't have a minority owner allegedly say mean things! Even if they can't prove that he said those things, I can see why the NFL has basically told Mr. Limbaugh, "You should use tact, you fathead!"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Where have all those signs gone?

Yesterday we took a meandering drive through the foothills on Highway 9. We were enjoying the wonderful fall weather, and searching out farm fields that we had worked on back in our custom farming days.

As we followed this windy road and that, driving back into far corners along the river, I noticed that no longer did these roads have "DEAD END" signs posted. Instead, all the signs said, "NO OUTLET". 'Nary a "DEAD END" sign to be seen!

I've been wracking my brain since to figure out if "DEAD END" is somehow not politically correct for these oh-so-politically correct times... Does it show some bias against the dead? Is it too harsh to say that DEAD is the END? Is it unkind to those whose residences are located at the DEAD END, implying that they are some sort of loser, simply because of location? Perhaps it is just insensitive to post the word DEAD, as it may be a traumatic reminder to some... And, truly, I suppose it could be a traumatic reminder to us all, as, one day, we shall all be DEAD.

It IS much more innocuous to say that there is "NO OUTLET", although, being naturally blonde, I had to think about this momentarily to realize it had nothing to do with electricity. I just don't think of through streets as having "outlets". It's not as if it is more difficult to understand why one might not want to go down a DEAD END as compared to a NO OUTLET, though I suppose it is possible that NO OUTLET translates into other languages better than DEAD END. Could be some colloquial irregularities that are tricky there! And do people now say, "We live on a NO OUTLET road..."? "DEAD END" is so much more descriptive, and frankly, a little bit unwelcoming -- which was part of the advantage of living on one such road -- keeps the looky-loos out and enhances one's privacy.

For my part, I'll stick with the DEAD END. It has much more art, and a little mystery to it -- It makes your address special --Why give that up for political correctness?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday Night Lights...

I like football, but I LOVE high school football! I used to know very little about football. I remember when my boys first began playing I had trouble choosing whether to yell, "Go Defense!" or "Go Big O!" When I first started noticing pro football, I told my sister that I supported the Tennessee Titans because "I liked their outfits". She was chagrined by that one.

I’ve come a long way, baby! Having sat through 11 years of school football games ,watching my boys, I learned a lot and that’s where I came to love the game. Of course, it helped that the varsity coaching staff at our school was all about character and team work, and quality effort...A great group of guys to be role models made it a great experience for our boys. I think, more than any other sport, football requires each person making their contribution, however lowly or unseen, to bring success to the team as a whole...And therefore, every team member is valued, and quality effort is appreciated. It’s a great life lesson, and our boys were schooled in that doing something they loved to do.

High school football seems a lot more honest to me than other levels of the sport. Here you have a group of guys thrown together by location, not because of their calculated contributions by ability, and they must make the most of all their skills to achieve success. They grind it out, literally, every day of the season, practicing giving their all physically and mentally. In good years, they become a unit that enjoys the satisfaction of being more together than the sum of their parts, whether winning or losing. Some years they get the "gravy" of winning...Every year they get the benefit of learning more about life.

So I love to see the effort, the drama, the coaching staff’s leadership under those Friday Night Lights...It’s my favorite! I miss seeing my boys out there, and my love for football has increased to the point where I am looking for college games, and pro games to watch. In fact, the other day I caught myself spouting off to son, Jess, about how I think it unfair that Seneca Wallace, who is just not a quarterback, hasn’t been allowed to develop as a wide receiver. The SeaHawks could have used one of those too... "Get a QB back up who can carry it," I said, "and let Seneca play ball, at least!" When I realized what I had said, I qualified it to Jess with a "but what do I know about football..." and he reassured me that I had come such a long way that my comments were actually valid.

I felt quite proud of myself – and decided to not make any comments about the new lime green out..., I mean jerseys!

Friday, October 9, 2009


I was stunned to hear that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize today. I, like many others, am asking, "What has he done? What has he even had time to do?"

Articles on revealed that "The Nobel Committee said its decision to honor the president was motivated by Obama's initiatives to reduce nuclear arms, ease tensions with the Muslim world and stress diplomacy and cooperation rather than unilateralism...The Norwegian Nobel Committee lauded the change in global mood wrought by Obama's calls for peace and cooperation..."

Apparently, the Nobel Committee is very pleased to see an American president travel around the world apologizing for his country, and promising to be "nicer" to everyone. Apparently, this kind of activity has had the power to change the "global mood"... See -- if we just be nice, and let other countries just do their own thing -- you know, with despots and torturers, and corrupt governments that impoverish their people -- it seems to lift the "global mood".

Oddly, that lifting of the global mood seems to have skipped the good ole USA. The wave of optimism and hope for change has largely subsided except for all but the most naive. You can't look at Obama's mere months in office and conclude that there is movement toward improvement here.

When the prize winner was announced, even the assembled audience gasped in surprise. I join them, and it brings a cold fear to my heart that Mr. Obama has power to bewitch far above my expectation! Either that, or this Norwegian Nobel Committee is not above politics, and its members not strong enough to stand against manipulation. Rick Moran stated in his American Thinker blog: "...I suppose any organization that thought Yasser Arafat worthy of the same prize can't be taken seriously. But they are."

Take heed, Americans looking for hope and change. The world seems to love a President who will not choose "peace through strength". Look at the philosophy of those who hail him as a wonderful "peacemaker"...and see it for what it is worth.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Come on people!

I wandered through the thrift store yesterday and it was one of those days where no treasures presented themselves...Everything looked like junk.

It didn't help that there were items on the shelf that were dirty -- grills coated with congealed fat (HIGHLY GROSS!), dusty tables, dirty plastic trays...Come on people!! How difficult is it to wipe a rag over these things before you donate it!! You donate to help out the non-profit running the store -- doesn't it make sense to put a little effort in to making the item as saleable as possible?? Puh-leease!! I don't fault the people who stock the store. They are a small cadre that is dealing with mountains of items, working fast to get them out on the floor and out the door...They can't clean the plethora of items stacked in the back. But each of us who donate should be able to take a couple of minutes to knock the dirt off the stuff we bring...I mean, why not???

I left the thrift store feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the junk there is in the world. We just love to have stuff, and to get new stuff, we have to get rid of old stuff...and other people buy our old stuff to add to their stuff, and we head to Walmart to fill up on new stuff...Stuff, stuff, stuff!

Some days I worry that we will be overwhelmed and suffocated by all the STUFF. It never really goes away, it just moves around -- and grows...Aughhhh! Save us from stuff!!