Thursday, November 17, 2011

The best time to win accolades...

Read it right here...Bellingham is being lauded for their plastic bag ban. It's becoming a model for other cities to follow. Interest is running high...

It's just a minor issue that the mandated program does not go into effect until January 2012...

It probably IS the best time to win notice for a program...before it becomes actual practice...before you know if it really works...Those pesky realities can really mess up a good theory.

(I use the the adjective "good" loosely in that last sentence...)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Momentary relief...

On this post-election day, I am thankful for the cessation of many of the campaign advertisements. I can handle the 'thank-you' messages for a day or two...but I will savor the absence of the proclamation of dubious facts about initiatives, and the confrontations of candidates.

{Sigh of relief}

However, I've been hearing presidential campaign ads already, and we have a year to go...A YEAR! Already it's mostly just 'blah,blah,blah'...6 months from now? Maybe I won't even register that I am hearing them...if I'm lucky. More likely, I will register irritation akin to a severe allergic reaction.

Don't they understand the word 'overkill'?