Thursday, January 29, 2015

Go Marshawn!

I love what he had to say today. Just like I loved what he has said each media day.


Just because you are a great athlete with accomplishments that are viewed weekly on a nationwide stage, you are not necessarily one who wants to follow that up with a lot of talk about it. Obviously, the guy is an introvert.


He DOES stuff. He doesn’t talk about it. And why should he have to?


I get it that the NFL is big business, and as one of its employees you have certain obligations to further the business. Although Marshawn’s tactics are not satisfying the reporters, I believe that he’s creating plenty of draw and interest with it. He’s following the rules, enhancing the NFL’s bottom line, and pays the fine when he doesn’t.


I disagree with the reporter that asked him “Why are you being such a jerk to us?” He’s not being a jerk. He’s being true to himself, and protecting his privacy. He doesn’t care what they think, and he’s not willing to give them tidbits of info with which to create a story that they hope will bring accolades to themselves.


I say, GO MARSHAWN! Be yourself. Stick with what is important to you. Thanks for being a bite of reality in a media blitz that encourages navel gazing and an overabundance of redundant football strategy. You’re right – we don’t need to talk that much. Just be all about that action, boss.


Well, except for that crotch grab action…We could live without that, boss.