Thursday, December 31, 2009

People! It is NOT a new decade!!!!

I've talked about this before, on my other blog ( but had almost given up my campaign to get people to understand the Gregorian Calendar. Until today...Walter Williams started his guest-hosting of Rush Limbaugh's program by taking up the cause...Tomorrow is NOT the beginning of the decade...IT IS THE LAST YEAR OF THIS DECADE...Thank you, Mr. Williams!!! Finally, someone with authority to speak on the subject is backing me up!!!

I reiterate my previous explanation:

"Gregory’s calendar started with the Year One – not a zero year as we do with people, but Year One. In contrast, when a baby is born, we do not say he is One because he is in his first year. We say he is 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, etc. Then, AFTER he has completed his first year, we say he is One. He becomes ONE at the beginning of his SECOND year. Since the Gregorian calendar began with the Year One, it started as Year One in January. At the end of that first year, it became Year Two. It became Year Two at the BEGINNING of Year Two – not the end. Are you with me here, folks? Are you picking up what I’m putting down? What I am saying is that we are living the Year 2009, we have not completed it and started Year 2010, as is commonly thought."

Tomorrow we will begin the year 2010, and 365 days from today, we will be ending the first decade of the second millenium...

Until then, don't talk to me about the top stories or events of the decade, 'cause we don't know all of the stories of this decade yet...GOT IT???!!!

At least I'm not sensitive about this...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas isn't what it used to be...

At the end of a good day of celebrating with my family, I’m pondering that Christmas isn’t the highlight of my year – like it used to be. Don’t get me wrong – today was a WONDERFUL day! We enjoyed the kids, the laughter, the gifts that were thoughtful in generous and joking ways. Last night we had The Turkey Dinner. My parents came to share it, and we laughed and joked as we rode through town looking for crazily lighted houses. Before this week, the shopping and the decorating, the music programs, even the baking heightened the anticipation...Fun in itself to prepare for these few days of celebration.

But tonight, I’m thinking that it’s not the big event it once was – and feeling the usual post-Christmas letdown...Wondering if there was more I should do to build to a greater climax for the Christmas celebration. In the midst of my pondering comes the realization that I’m looking forward to my regular life tomorrow...Puttering around the house, picking up the happy messes of paper and boxes, and used dishes – evidence of fun already had, then walking the dog in the chilly air, sipping coffee while I contemplate what chores I will attempt...I like the everydays too.

In fact, I think I’ve come to the place where Christmas is not THE highlight of the year because I’ve become so much more content with my much quicker to appreciate the good along the way: the peaceful everydays, the intermittent family gatherings anytime they come, the time to invest in friendships throughout the year...It’s really not that Christmas has diminished...It’s more that the moments as they happen have become more appreciated, more enjoyed, more precious...

I will still always love the glitz and fun of Christmas. It’s a special time where the whole world smiles together, and expresses their goodwill. But it’s not the only time, the only day...I’m glad to be in a place in my life where I am content with the CONtent of my relationships, my occupations, my blessings – and do much better at appreciating them any day.

Monday, December 21, 2009

So mad I could spit nails...

I am incensed and disbelieving at the 1am vote on Health Care "Reform" (that's using the term very loosely) in the Senate.

Arguments about the content of the bill aside, why would you schedule a vote on such a contested bill at 1am on a Monday morning?  Only a couple of reasons that I can think of would cause you to pass it while the fewest Americans can see what you are doing...when the fewest people can react to it...Full implementation will not occur for years, but apparently it is urgent to pass it in the dead of night a few days before Christmas.

What? This is blatantly disrespectful of the American people! Do they really think we won't notice? Do they really think that we will see this action as plausible instead of highly suspicious, and downright disingenuous? I can't believe that they think we are this stupid -- and I am incensed that apparently they do!

I admit to having a very fatalistic attitude about our Congress most of the time. They're going to do what they're going to do, and we can't stop it...But this time, this time I am ANGRY, SO ANGRY that I will be letting them know, and letting everyone know that I am not about to forget this disrespect, nor will I let them forget it either!

I say, THROW THE RASCALS OUT!! And will do whatever I can to facilitate this...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Great, just great...

I ran across an article warning me of the dangers of burning scented candles and having scented plug-ins in your home. You know, these little wonders are filled with poisonous chemicals that ARE NOT NATURAL!! These synthetic smell-goods may be filling the air of your home with carcinogenic molecules that you will inhale --- most likely deeply because they smell so good! -- and later, when you are about 90, you may find that you have altered the genetic map of some of your cells, causing them to go crazy and over-proliferate.  No matter that at 90 your cells just might be a little messed up from living in a world of sin-wracked consequences exhaling, which is now apparently another cause for the entire world's demise.

This article suggests that you go back to the good old days, boiling a pot of water with natural potpourri to scent your home... Back in the good old days, they didn't worry about dying from synthetic scents -- mostly because there was so much smoke in the indoor air that they couldn't have smelled them anyway...You know, from burning those natural logs and stuff, trying to stave off hypothermia due to a lack of central heating.

My word! I would be embarrassed to list on an enumeration of Concerns for the World the risk of contracting disease from the use of scented candles. Come on! Let's find something REAL to worry about! I predict that you will not see Miss America take on a campaign of eliminating the health risks of scented candles..."I'm interested in World Peace and The Elimination of Scented Candle Burning..." Don't even bring it up!! Leave the candles alone, and let us spend ourselves solving REAL problems, even if it means taking some risks!

My, it smells good in here...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dear Retail World...

...please stop making my receipts so lengthy. I don't want to fill out your surveys. I don't need a coupon for the diapers I picked up for someone else. I don't need 2 feet of information when I purchase 2 items at your store.

My purse is bulging with useless information wrapped around a little bit that IS important to me...

Stop! Please stop! If I appeal to you on behalf of trees everywhere, might you consider it? I know, I know -- you have a captive audience for your advertising when I am trying to find the list of items I purchased amongst all the impertinent information. I have to read about my chance to win $10,000 if I take the time to fill out your survey. I now know that on Dec. 14, from 9:30-10:45 am I can get an extra $5 off clearance items priced between $20 & $25. Of course, I must save your receipt and bring it back to the store and buy another item...and get another 2 feet of great deals...

Here's the problem: I DON'T CARE. So just cut if off! You are annoying me!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I can't ignore...

...the tragic loss of 4 individuals who swore to serve and protect. What a sad, sad day for our state and our nation -- and most of all, the community of Lakewood. This tragedy comes on the heels of a similar incident in Seattle when Officer Brenton was killed.

The depth of disrespect carried by the individuals perpetrating these crimes is unfathomable. Obviously, they gave no thought to the individuals who died, and despised the institution they represent. As well, these evil men disrespected all of us who adhere to and respect a system of law and order. We rely on order, and the integrity and service of those sworn to uphold the law. These criminal actions were an effort to diminish the efficacy of the men and women who maintain order in our communities, at risk of their own lives.

How good to see the resolve and determination of the officers still on duty! They will not allow evil to overcome. They will seek justice -- through order -- and continue to serve, though the dangers of doing so grow greater. I am equally heartened to know that thousands in the surrounding communities have expressed their support and solidarity with all officers. In no uncertain terms, they have expressed by their actions that this should not happen again.

God bless our men & women in all uniforms!