Friday, May 28, 2010

Love It/Hate It

Have you seen these Zappos ads yet? I LOVE THEM!! They are so clever, and so cute...and very effective.

I learned that some of these ads are actual recordings of people posing as customers, making strange requests of actual Zappos customer service reps. Then they recreated the scene with the puppets. Obviously, their customer service reps are great!

On the other hand, here is an ad I HATE!!

Even though it's a cartoon, it's just TOO GRAPHIC for me...YUK!! I just don't want to think about that...

And I'm embarrassed that you brought it up...PLEASE!! Some problems just don't need to be discussed in public!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Radio Ridiculousness...

Having a son in the radio business, I listen quite a lot...and yesterday I caught a couple of common and regular ridiculous radio caller comments, and I can stay silent no longer.

People! You make me crazy when you say:

"Your screener told me to get right to the point, so I will just get right to the point."

Uhhhh...that is NOT getting right to the point!!! And, surprise, the talk show host knows that the screener told you that, because the SCREENER TELLS EVERYONE THAT!! We ALL know the screener says that!!! JUST GET TO THE POINT BY SAYING YOUR POINT!!!

And then, when the talk show host says, "20 seconds, what are your thoughts?" I hear:

"I know time is short, so I'll just get right to the subject."

Do you realize that you just used 15% of your time saying you didn't have much time? Right after the host said you didn't have much time? Oh, please! Redundancy!! Wastefulness!! All in 20 seconds...which are now gone with your point half made. 

Okay, okay...I know I'm unmerciful to these amateurs who are probably nervous, and maybe say things they didn't plan to...But I'm not assigning any devaluation to their personhood...I'm just saying, IT MAKES ME CRAZY!!

And folks...I don't have far to go on that...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Rock and The Hard Place...

Recent buzz has our Governor, Christine Gregoire, as a possible candidate to move from our lovely state, to the Other Washington, to fill the Solicitor General position that may be vacated by Elaina Kagan, nominee for the U. S. Supreme Court.

I'm no fan of Governor Gregoire's policies, or practices, and frankly, I think there was some funny business that went on to win her the election after multiple recounts. I have absolutely no proof -- The situation just seemed too contrived to be legitimate. Call me a conspiracy theorist on that topic!

Anyway, I would not be sorry to see Ms. Gregoire vacate her office and give Washingtonians an opportunity to see some real leadership in our Governor's office.


The Solicitor General is the attorney that represents the United States in cases that come before the Supreme Court...which would mean that Christine Gregoire, with her liberal leanings, and political debts to pay and play, would be the lead defender/ litigator for our country against those making claims against it. Think about that...Oh my!

As much as I want a change for our state, it might be better for our country if we suffered the damage here in Washington for a little while longer...