Wednesday, March 13, 2019

College Admissions Scandal...more like EPIC PARENTING FAIL...

So wealthy people are buying their kids way into elite colleges…I can’t say I’m surprised. I suppose that the personality of those who would do anything to become famous lends to expecting the same for their kids.

Doesn’t make it any less sorry an example, and especially for those kids, some of whom were complicit. It’s pathetic that parents would teach their children that the ends justify the means; that being the center of attention is one’s main goal in life; and most of all, that their child isn’t good enough as they are. They think so little of their child that they don’t trust their abilities or strength to achieve a worthy goal. They communicate to their kids that they are only worthy when they have achieved the highest, even if they have to cheat to get there.

And they call that love...SO far off the mark!

I continue to wonder why we care about celebrities’ opinions on life.