Monday, April 14, 2014

She's got questions...that have no answers...

I love to watch crime stories on TV. Maybe it is sick and wrong to take such interest in the abominable actions of criminals, but I justify it because I love to see the mysteries solved and justice served. That’s why I watch it! Ever since I was a 1st grader who decided I would become a teacher so I could “punish the bad boys”, justice has been a keen interest of mine.

But one crime show that of which I have had enough is On the Case with Paula Zahn.

I’m thinking that Paula just might be a little bored with the formula they created for the show. Lately, she has been asking mostly questions that can only be answered with the word ‘very’.

With a grave look, and a serious tone, she queries, “How devastating was it to find out your mother had been murdered?”

Uh…duh! “Very!”

I think she should follow up with more hard-hitting revealing questions like:

How brutal was the brutality?

How hurtful was the hurt?

How terrifying was the terror?

How devastating was the devastation?

Uh, Paula? Everyone already knows the answers to these…

Really, if that’s all she’s going to ask, she might as well leave it to the narrator to tell the whole story.

Of course, then, they couldn’t call it “On the Case with Paula Zahn” so I guess that’s why she has to be there to ask questions.

I wonder if she was ever one of those sports sideline reporters. They ask the same kind of questions: “Are you going to make changes for the second half?”

Breaking news, girl reporter; yeah, they’re going to make changes because they are losing right now!

I wish that sometime one of those coaches would say, “I don’t know! What do you think we should do?” or “No, we’re going to keep doing the same things because we’ve had so little success with it in the first half of the game.”

Please! If you’re paid to ask questions, how about trying to ask one in which the answer is not already given!