Friday, September 24, 2010

Indeed, the whole world has gone crazy!

I'm sitting here by my window, waiting for a pig to fly by.

I won't even be surprised when it happens...It seems only a logical next step in the sequential insanity of events that have occurred with today's testimony of Stephen Colbert before a House committee.

Oh, I know it's not weird for celebs to testify in front of Congress, but usually they do it as citizens, or experts in their fields -- not in character.

Yes, Stephen Colbert testified as the character he portrays on TV with all the outrageous, satirical and sarcastic commentary he is known for.

What?! And this was important because...? And his sarcastic reporting about his stint working in the same fields as illegal immigrants do is valuable because...? Uh...because...uh, it made some people laugh...uh, because...uh, it was good for ratings...? It's going to take quite a bit of spin to get something that sounds even remotely appropriate or valuable about this. I'm anxious to hear this defended..

What a waste of time!! Who cares what a TV character thinks?? Who's next -- Homer Simpson?

The Congress has gone "high school" if you ask me! "Hey! Let's get that funny guy to testify about the issue...That will be AWESOME!"  Have they let go of their last shred of dignity? I would hope that our lawmakers might have more important things to do than spend their time on Stephen Colbert...and with my tax dollars...Please! Has this been entered into the Congressional Record?...Embarassing!

I want to know who set up this visit...and who attended...and what they say for WHY they attended!

As I said, embarassing...

1 comment:

  1. It was odd to say the least. While I enjoy watching him on t.v. for some good laughs I thought the whole testifying for the congressional committee was a giant waste of time, resources...oh boy I think I see the pigs getting ready to take off! :)
