Monday, January 24, 2011

The latest scourge...

Have you heard this ad on the radio? Or seen it on TV? Check it out...

Some adjectives that come to mind: inane, asinine, elementary, embarrassing, CHEEZ WHIZ!!

And now you're gonna hate me, because it's in your head, isn't it?

Sorry! I just can't believe that our tax dollars are going for something like this. Aside from the fact that this campaign is highly deserving of the adjectives above, I wonder if we need to spend money to tell people to wash their hands. Really? People don't know the benefits of hand-washing? Really? Does this ad make it more clear? Really -- how many people over the age of 4 don't know you should wash your hands? How many over the age of 4 don't wash their hands when necessary?

And how much money are we throwing at this dubious problem?

And, honestly, I don't want this to be part of the definition of a Washingtonian...I reiterate: embarrassing!

I think the whole concept is as ridiculous at the song...

And the song is SO annoying that I think a continuous loop could replace water-boarding as torture...


  1. no I hadn't seen that. I wish I could say thank you...

    words cannot describe.

  2. Of course Troy and I had a long conversation about this one. He knows who needs to be fired.

    I am embarrassed to be from Washington.

  3. I hope this is a joke... I hope you are kidding...


  4. Wow....I feel so educated about washing my hands now! FINALLY, a cheesy video to show us how it's done. I may need to play this in class when the cherubs on naughty. "You will sit here and watch this over and over and over again until you can learn to behave!!!"


    How embarrassing.
