Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hormones and Total Depravity...

It’s not a good combination, I tell you.

And it’s pretty much the reason that I am limiting my exposure to fiendishly naughty little puppies, snoring men, and incompetent drivers of any nationality.

I’m starting to think I might hurt somebody, and I confident such exposure will at least result in sin.

That’s total depravity for ya…

I know that God knows what He is doing, but I have to admit that some days I wonder about the whole hormone thing. Those hormones surely complicate life…and some days I hate them…well, them, and everything else for some reason…or more accurately for no reason.

It seems they are making me intermittently crazy. Or maybe it’s the symptoms they produce. I’m tired of being hot all the time, with the occasional “Flame On!” moments thrown in for extra humiliation. I don’t like the new cushion I wear on my mid-section. My eyes are so dry that I fear that one day they won’t open, or close. I miss sleeping through the night – especially when someone is blissfully snoring RIGHT NEXT TO ME…I mean: right next to me. I do not suffer fools gladly – and a lot of them seem to be on the road at the same time as I am. And I tend to forget things, or not remember them, or misunderstand what I am reading, and tell one kid pertinent info 3 times, but never mention it to the others…

And some genius decided to call this the “change of life”… Well, it’s not the kind of change I’m looking for! I would prefer thinness, and fitness, wisdom and patience, clarity of mind, and a body temperature that allows one to wear sweaters. I would prefer sleeping through the night, and sometimes I imagine head-slapping Eve and saying: “You couldn’t have said “NO”? What were you thinking???”

Of course, then she would head-slap me right back and say: “Like you would have done anything differently!!” and she would be right.

So I shouldn’t complain.

But you know that I will…as I just did…

I really don’t get why this has to be part of God’s plan for women, but I do understand that it involves walking by faith when I want to hurt someone, but I remember that God says it is wrong, no matter how justifiable it may seem at the moment…and on some days it seems entirely reasonable, and necessary.

But that’s just the hormone-enhanced total depravity talking…

I’m just hoping I can remember that.


  1. Spot on Leslie! I too find my days driven by hormones and my sleep-anywhere-at-the-drop-of-a-hat-husband is like a heat seeking missile trying to get close to me when the tropical vacation my poor body is having wants nothing more than ice, baby ice. Whew.

  2. Welcome to the club sister. Wait till you get to the "I don't give a darn about anything, ever" phase!

    Love you, Ridge
