Thursday, November 17, 2011

The best time to win accolades...

Read it right here...Bellingham is being lauded for their plastic bag ban. It's becoming a model for other cities to follow. Interest is running high...

It's just a minor issue that the mandated program does not go into effect until January 2012...

It probably IS the best time to win notice for a program...before it becomes actual practice...before you know if it really works...Those pesky realities can really mess up a good theory.

(I use the the adjective "good" loosely in that last sentence...)


  1. That's Bellingham for overachiever!!


  2. Oh I am not looking forward to this. First, I have to buy a bigger purse to hold my bags that roll up. Second, I will have to BUY garbage bags for my little cans. Third, wet towels from the pool? UGH!

    I really do my best (my VERY best) to take my reusable bags but sometimes I forget.

    We'll see, we'll see.
