Monday, August 27, 2012


I have joked before about our country being "The Land of Perpetual Junior High".

I'm starting to think it isn't a joke...

There's a lot of fussing going on about the "likability" ratings of the two presidential candidates.


Who gives a hang dang about likability? I'm just a little more interested in CAPABILITY.

Remember that, American Citizens? CAPABILITY!

You know, competency, success, leadership, character, conviction...

I don't want a president who is like all us common men...I want someone with uncommon capabilities and strength to lead. I would dare to wager that there is a high percentage of our country's presidents who didn't rate high on the likability scale...I think Abraham Lincoln was one of them.

PUH-LEEZE...we have descended into Junior High when our biggest concern is whether we are liked...and we choose our leadership based on whether they are liked, or cool, or easy to talk to and dress nicely.

Let's remind people that likability is a minor virtue...We are looking for capability.

I REALLY don't want to go back to Junior High.

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