Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Oh for goodness, people!

Big news today is that WA Ceasefire is putting the pressure on Starbucks to make their coffee shops gun-free zones.

Can one think of a more ill-conceived and ill-timed campaign?

Good idea, guys! Let's start this movement in Seattle, which is next-door to Tacoma, where 4 gun-carrying police officers were shot & killed in a coffee shop by an armed crazyman. Because one of these officers was able to fire at the fleeing perp and wound him, they were able to find and arrest the crazyman, protecting the public and other officers from being further targets.

Isn't this illustration enough that it is not the presence of guns that cause the problem?

WA Ceasefire is demanding that Starbucks create a law of their own -- not supported by the codes and laws of the state, which allow gun-totin' (they're all cowboys anyway, right?)citizens to go purchase their grande double shot caramel macchiato extra hot while packing their own heat...So who is going to enforce it? Can you see the barista going up to the gun-packing coffee drinker and asking him to leave? I don't think so.

And, by the way, how big a problem do they think this is? I can't say I've ever gone into any coffee shop wondering how many people in there were carrying guns...I have my doubts that's where all the sketchy gun-carrying people go...Starbucks...Right! The coffee shops are rife with people just waiting to shoot it up...Though, if they know people with guns are not allowed there, maybe now they will give it a try. No worries about somebody trying to be a hero when you're robbing the place...

I'm glad that, so far, Starbucks is sticking to their guns (pun intended), and not changing their policy. But I have to say that I know a lot of Seattlite liberal types will think it a moral victory if they cave...and they just might -- for marketing reasons. It will make some people feel good, and feel safer (-- and self-righteous too) and they will LOVE Starbucks.  "I'll have a little world peace with my coffee, please." Awwww...

Foolish people are willing to FEEL good, instead of looking at facts with reason and responding appropriately.  WA Ceasefire members seem to be passionate and proud that they are working to make people feel safe...But when a crazyman breaks down their door, I think they might wish they had a gun.


  1. Thank you.

    I saw this on the news yesterday and I hate to say that the first thing I did was laugh. I mean...REALLY? This would be a fun little "rule" to enforce.

    Do I get to pick the barrista that pats me down and searches me for my legally carried P22? Geez I hope so...

  2. Made me want to pack heat as I order my skinny vanilla latte- extra hot- thank you very much!

  3. I guess they don't want any bitter coffee, oops, I mean bitter about their coffee!! :-) One wonders what the next STUPID thing will be??
