Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So this is what it has come to...

I couldn't believe what I was reading in the Sunday Herald! I'll quote it (partially) here, with credit to the author, in an effort to not get in trouble for copying without permission...

by Nathan Olivarez-Giles  LA Times

"Eydie McNeill was fuming about the newly passed health care bill, but her rage had nothing to do with socialism, death panels, or the deficit.

She just likes a good tan, and because of a provision in the bill that puts a 10 percent additional tax on tanning salon fees, her sessions are going to cost her more.

'I'm angry, I'm really disappointed by all this,' said McNeill, 51, waiting for a tanning bed at the Tanning Club in Westwood. "It just feels like we are being taxed for everything nowadays."

She was not just thinking of herself. McNeill is a sorority house mom at Gamma Phi Beta at the University of California-Los Angeles.

'A lot of my girls tan, most of them, and they don't have a lot of extra money,' she said. 'They're students. Most students live on a tight budget.' "

I have 3 observations:
1. Sorority girls of UCLA -- if you can afford to tan, you don't know what a tight budget is!! Holy cow!! These are the depths of victimization that we have fallen to? We are now supposed to be concerned about people who can't afford to tan -- as much as they are accustomed to.

2. Of course, this is a legitimate reason for the health care bill to be repealed. Girls in CALIFORNIA will not be able to tan!! Thank you, liberal media for finally finding a good reason for the American public to be concerned and fearful about how this bill will change their lives.

3. Though I reject the idea that taxing tanning will lead to the prevention of skin cancer, I would like to encourage you entitlement-minded out there to note this: You want free health care. You want the government to provide for your "right" to quality health care. You know how they're going to take care of you? They're going to limit your freedom to tan as much as you want, to eat as many french fries as you want, to smoke if you want, to ride motorcycles if you want, etc., etc...by taxing you, or the business that provides these services...Yep, it will COST more...one way or the other...and probably both ways.

You know, it would be nice if you entitlement-minded people would think these things through, and not just live by your gut.

I don't think I've ever said a less diplomatic thing in my life.


  1. We were just talking with our group of friends that we'd better eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow the government will put us on a diet!! "Yes, I'll have a 1/4 pounder w/cheese and super size that please" (girl on headset) "Ok maam - that will be $32.79 - please pull forward" :-{

  2. The most ironic thing about this is that it is a bunch of people complaining about having to pay for a tan in Sunny California. Talk about capitalism run rampant. Selling sunlight in California is like selling an eskimo some snow.

    Troy under my pseudonum Jerrie
