Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hero of the Day...

Last night on the Seattle news, I saw that Nathan Hale High School had cancelled, indefinitely, school dances. Apparently the recent homecoming dance turned into something too much like the beginnings of an orgy, and the school principal, Dr. Jill Hudson, said enough is enough -- no more dances.

To her, I say, "GO, HONORABLE PRINCIPAL, GO!!" It's about time someone drew a line and enforced it. On camera, the principal declined to go into detail as to what the offensive actions were. In the school paper, she was more direct -- but to honor her sense of propriety (which I also appreciate) I will not quote. Suffice to say that a student was quoted as saying, "We were sexually harrassing each other, that's what she said." "What I'm determined in calling it is inappropriate behavior," said Hudson. "I cannot allow that at school functions."

Kudos to her for putting students' behavior and responsibility above their right to fun. You know, this doesn't happen often these days -- at least not nearly as often as it should. Dr. Hudson is the Hero of the Day for showing the students and parents that dances are not important, but behaving yourself most certainly is.

I don't doubt she's feeling the heat. "There are definitely some students that are upset," said a male student...And no doubt some parents have already purchased the duds for the winter dance, and the kids are worried about senior prom. I'm sure she's hearing from them. I only hope she's getting some back-up as well.

"I believe the solution can be put together between students and myself so we have a safe and respectful senior prom", Dr. Hudson said.

Kids -- you want a senior prom? It's pretty simple...BEHAVE YOURSELVES!

quotes from

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