Friday, June 4, 2010

Got Rhythm?

A national survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control, who interviewed 2800 15-19 year olds, face to face, between 2006 and 2008 has revealed an interesting statistic.

It was found that 17% of sexually active teenage girls (up from 11% in 2002) rely on the rhythm method for birth control.

I can't believe it.

I just can't picture a teen rendevous in the back seat of the car ending with a counted consideration of the days in her personal calendar...Right...Because, of course, teen boys heading for the back seat of the care are so restrained and responsible with their hormones.
The only scenario in which this might work is with a couple that so rarely restrains themselves that they are sated enough to take a break...A sad and unlikely situation.

Basically, these girls are saying they don't use birth control...A sadder and more likely situation.

Because you know what they call people who use the rhythm method: PARENTS.

And 70% of the girls in the survey believe it is okay for a girl to have a baby on her own, as did 64% of  young men in the same age group...

I wonder if their opinion changes once they've unsuccessfully used the rhythm method...

Thinking of all those little kids caught in the consequences saddens my heart.


  1. Makes me nauseous! Absolutely ridiculous - and doesn't this concern any of the people that are asking the questions????? Don't they see the epidemic??? I say - Lord come quickly!

  2. Personal experience so I don't know how statistical it is (for my population it is 100%-but it is a small population), but the people I know who use the rhythm method for birth control are also young, unemployed, overeducated, mothers with lots of kids who are simply a bit odd. You know people who seem to live about a half step out of tune with the rest of the world. It would be interesting to see how that 17% reached the decision to use the rhythm method. On the flip side all of my studied population were abstinent until marriage.
