Sunday, May 22, 2011

So we're all still here...

...just like I thought we would be.

Matt. 24:36 says: "But of that exact day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

That's sounds pretty definite to me, and I believe it. I did ponder, a bit, what it might be like to be convinced that the world was ending on Saturday...What would I do differently than the other days of my life?

I couldn't think of much...Since everyone I love the most would most likely be coming with me, I didn't have to say goodbyes or leave with regret.

Frankly, the whole scenario didn't seem to merit a lot of changes. Our time on earth could be done at any moment -- one way or the other. I want to be doing what I believe is most important regardless of the timing of The End.

It is a conundrum to me how God has tied up our eternal purpose in the finiteness of time. We are seeking eternal truths and eternal treasures while bound in time and space, and the physical limitations of our bodies and the laws of creation.  It's weird when you ponder it...and awesome too. Because we can do it. We can do things that affect eternity, and one day we will know how it all works.

But in the meantime, we're all still here. And since God decided that, it's fine with me.

1 comment:

  1. Please see my facebook post on this subject. I am still a little appalled at how people are acting about this whole thing. The thought that keeps going through my mind is -If I was God and looked down at how this rapture was handled I would probably call it off at the last minute. Who would want all of us bunging up heaven. We were really sort of jerks about the whole thing, on all sides and completely round about. The whole spectacle became an opportunity for people to yell at each other, try to make money off each other, try to cheat each other and generally act badly in hopes that it really happened. The day the rapture comes is the day when we are all sitting quietly thinking about how we can help our fellow man. Not about wether we will actually be going to heaven.
