Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sometimes I feel like a genderless child??

Have you heard the story about the genderless baby? No -- this poor child does not have a physical anomaly. Rather, is more likely to end up with a psychological anomaly since, uh...its parents have decided to keep, uh...its gender a secret -- from everyone. Only the parents, siblings and the midwives who delivered, are in on the truth. Even the grandparents are not allowed to know...

It seems the parents think that it is unfair to saddle a child with a gender expectation that impacts people's interaction with them, and the activities the child is encouraged to participate in. They think the child should decide for, uh...itself how, defines its gender.

Yeah, right...

First of all, it seems pretty obvious that people come in 2 kinds. There is not: C) none of the above, on the choices available.

Secondly, what do these parents think of their own gender? Is it bad to be "gendered"? Are they dissatisfied with their gender, and wish it were not so? If they are happy with what they 'got', why do they think their children won't be? And what exactly IS an genderless person?

Thirdly, I hope little Storm confounds them all by gravitating toward dollies and ruffles, if she's a girl, or 'vrooming' cars around the floor and crashing them, if he's a boy...I know I didn't teach my kids some of the very stereotypical behaviors they exhibited...It was just in them.

Let's hope that Storm's parents accept the innate "choices" he/she makes...

Poor kid.


  1. Oh, gosh, you heard my rant! I could not believe this article when I read it. Our world gets stranger every day...

  2. So sad for Storm. It's parent's are idiots and likely this child will have problems for life. I am hoping that Storm is a girly girl or all boy.
